Atomoptische Interferenz- und Lithographieexperimente mit metastabilem Helium

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Nowak, Stephan
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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In this thesis experiments are described, where a beam of metastable helium is used for atom optic interferometry experiments
as well as for lithography. The broad potential of atom optics for fundamental as well as applied research could thus be used.
In the first experiment described in this work, dealing with atom lithography, a lithographic resist technique was implemented,
basing on the structural changes of single molecules of a self-assembling monolayer of dodecanethiol due to Penning processes
induced by metastable helium atoms.
This molecular layer could be laterally structured with respect to its hydrophobicity properties. In a chemical etching step, the
structure in the local wetability could be transferred into an underlying gold layer, producing sharp structures there. It could be
shown experimentally, that this change of the wetability is essential for the process.
In the second experiment, the Talbot effect was investigated with de-Broglie waves, which is the phenomenon of interferometric
self imaging of a transmission grating at the characteristic distance of the Talbot length from the grating.
Special interest was taken in the demonstration of the fractional Talbot effect, that is the self imaging of the transmission grating
with reduced period, because this effect is in principle useful for the production of very small structures in the atomic density
distribution of an atom beam. Fractional self imaging up to seventh order with periods of one micron could be observed in the
The third experiment is on diffraction of de-Broglie waves by a wire and on refraction of atomic de-Broglie waves by a
rotationally symmetric potential. The Poisson interference spot in the center of the shadow of the wire was experimentally
demonstrated as well as Fresnel diffraction fringes at
the edges of the wire. Well defined voltages could be applied to two plate electodes opposite the wire, producing a radial
electric field in the vicini

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

In dieser Arbeit werden Experimente beschrieben, in denen ein Strahl von metastabilem Helium zu atomoptischen
Interferometrieexperimenten und zur Lithographie eingesetzt wird. Das breite Anwendungspotential der Atomoptik für
grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierte Experimente konnte so ausgenutzt werden.
Im ersten in der Arbeit beschriebenen Experiment zur Lithographie wurde eine Resisttechnik implementiert, die darauf beruht,
daß die innere Energie von metastabilen Heliumatomen ausreicht, um einzelne Moleküle einer selbstorganisierten molekularen
Monolage von Dodekanthiol in Penningprozessen zu strukturell zu verändern.
Indem sich bei diesem Prozeß die Eigenschaft der Hydrophobie dieser Molekülschicht ändert, konnte diese lateral strukturiert
werden. In einem chemischen Ätzverfahren konnte die Struktur in der lokalen Benetzbarkeit in eine unterliegende Goldschicht
übertragen und dadurch scharfe Strukturen in der Goldschicht erzeugt werden. Die wesentliche Beteiligung der
Benetzbarkeitseigenschaft an diesem Prozeß konnte experimentell belegt werden.
Im zweiten Experiment wurde der Talboteffekt, d.h das Phänomen der interferometrischen Selbstabbildung eines
Transmissionsgitters im charakteristischen Abstand der Talbotlänge an de-Broglie-Wellen untersucht. Insbesondere lag das
Interesse beim Nachweis des fraktionalen Talboteffektes, also der Selbstabbildung des Transmissionsgitters mit reduzierter
Periode, da sich dieser Effekt prinzipiell zur Erzeugung kleinster Strukturen in der atomaren Dichteverteilung im Strahl
verwenden läßt.
Ein Nachweis der fraktionalen Selbstabbildung bis zu siebter Ordnung mit Strukturperioden von einem Mikrometer konnte
beobachtet werden.
Das dritte Experiment beschäftigte sich mit Beugung von de-Broglie-Wellen an einem Draht und der Brechung atomarer
de-Broglie-Wellen an einem radialsymmetrischen Potential. Es wurde der Poissonsche Interferenzfleck im Zentrum des
Drahtschattens nachgewiesen sowie Fresnelsche Beugun

Fachgebiet (DDC)
530 Physik
Talboteffekt, Resisttechnik, de-Broglie-Wellen
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690NOWAK, Stephan, 1998. Atomoptische Interferenz- und Lithographieexperimente mit metastabilem Helium [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Atomoptische Interferenz- und Lithographieexperimente mit metastabilem Helium},
  author={Nowak, Stephan},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">In this thesis experiments are described, where a beam of metastable helium is used for atom optic interferometry experiments&lt;br /&gt;as well as for lithography. The broad potential of atom optics for fundamental as well as applied research could thus be used.&lt;br /&gt;In the first experiment described in this work, dealing with atom lithography, a lithographic resist technique was implemented,&lt;br /&gt;basing on the structural changes of single molecules of a self-assembling monolayer of dodecanethiol due to Penning processes&lt;br /&gt;induced by metastable helium atoms.&lt;br /&gt;This molecular layer could be laterally structured with respect to its hydrophobicity properties. In a chemical etching step, the&lt;br /&gt;structure in the local wetability could be transferred into an underlying gold layer, producing sharp structures there. It could be&lt;br /&gt;shown experimentally, that this change of the wetability is essential for the process.&lt;br /&gt;In the second experiment, the Talbot effect was investigated with de-Broglie waves, which is the phenomenon of interferometric&lt;br /&gt;self imaging of a transmission grating at the characteristic distance of the Talbot length from the grating.&lt;br /&gt;Special interest was taken in the demonstration of the fractional Talbot effect, that is the self imaging of the transmission grating&lt;br /&gt;with reduced period, because this effect is in principle useful for the production of very small structures in the atomic density&lt;br /&gt;distribution of an atom beam. Fractional self imaging up to seventh order with periods of one micron could be observed in the&lt;br /&gt;experiment.&lt;br /&gt;The third experiment is on diffraction of de-Broglie waves by a wire and on refraction of atomic de-Broglie waves by a&lt;br /&gt;rotationally symmetric potential. The Poisson interference spot in the center of the shadow of the wire was experimentally&lt;br /&gt;demonstrated as well as Fresnel diffraction fringes at&lt;br /&gt;the edges  of the wire. Well defined voltages could be applied to two plate electodes opposite the wire, producing a radial&lt;br /&gt;electric field in the vicini</dcterms:abstract>
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Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
July 10, 1998
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