Kontrollierte Therapieevaluation der Narrativen Expositionstherapie (NET) im Vergleich zu Stress-Impfungs-Training (SIT) bei posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung in Folge organisierter Gewalt

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A controlled treatment evaluation of narrative exposure therapy (NET) in comparison with stress inoculation training (SIT) for post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of organized violence
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The repeated experience of violence has been shown to lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in many cases. Refugees and asylum seekers in Germany have often fled from their countries of origin because of organized violence. They tend to show high rates of PTSD. To date, little research has been done on psychological treatments for this population. More specifically, there is a lack of systematic comparisons of different active treatments.
The current thesis describes a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing two treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a consequence of organized violence. The study was conducted in Germany. The sample mainly consisted of asylum seekers who had fled from their countries of origin after having experienced violence. Most of them had an insecure legal status of residency in Germany. Some subjects were former German Democratic Republic residents who had experienced organized violence. Twenty-eight persons were matched pairwise according to sex and origin and were randomly allocated to one of the two treatments. They received 10 treatment sessions of either NarrativeExposure Therapy (NET) or Stress Inoculation Training (SIT). Standardized diagnostic interviews were conducted before treatment and 4 weeks, 6 months and one year after the end of treatment. All participants suffered from a comorbid mood disorder before the start of treatment (82 % major depression, 18 % dysthymia).
The whole sample showed a significant reduction in PTSD rate over time at the six-months follow-up examination, but this was not the case when the two treatment groups were analysed separately. PTSD symptom severity decreased significantly across both treatment groups between the pretest and the six-months follow-up examination. However, regarding the two treatment groups separately, a significant reduction in PTSD severity was found for NET, but not for SIT. The symptom reduction in the NET group occurred between pretest and six-months follow-up examination, the effect size being d = 1.43 (for SIT: d = 0.12). There was no significant difference between NET and SIT regarding PTSD severity at any assessment point. The rates of major depression and other comorbid disorders did not decrease significantly over time in either of the two treatment groups. The scores of depressive symptoms also did not show a significant reduction over time.
The results indicate that exposure treatments like Narrative Exposure Therapy lead to a significant PTSD symptom reduction even in refugees and asylum seekers with mainly insecure asylum status. However, this status might have hindered successful treatment of comorbid disorders.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Das wiederholte Erleben von Gewalt führt in vielen Fällen zur Entwicklung einer posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTSD). Flüchtlinge und Asylbewerber in Deutschland sind häufig aufgrund von Erfahrungen organisierter Gewalt aus ihren Herkunftsländern geflohen und weisen hohe PTSD-Raten auf. Psychologische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für diese Personengruppe sind bislang kaum erforscht worden vor allem fehlen systematische Vergleiche verschiedener aktiver Therapiemethoden.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine randomisierte kontrollierte Vergleichsstudie zweier Therapieverfahren zur Behandlung von PTSD nach organisierter Gewalt vorgestellt. Die Studie wurde in Deutschland durchgeführt. Die Stichprobe umfasste größtenteils Asylbewerber, die aufgrund von Gewalterlebnissen aus ihren Herkunftsländern geflüchtet waren. Sie hatten zumeist einen unsicheren Aufenthaltsstatus für Deutschland inne. Einige wenige Probanden waren ehemalige DDR-Bürger mit Erlebnissen organisierter Gewalt. Es wurden 28 Personen mit PTSD einander nach Geschlecht und Herkunft paarweise zugeordnet und zufällig auf die zwei Therapiebedingungen aufgeteilt. Sie erhielten je 10 Sitzungen Narrative Expositionstherapie (NET) oder Stress-Impfungs-Training (SIT). Standardisierte diagnostische Interviews wurden vor der Behandlung sowie 4 Wochen, 6 Monate und ein Jahr nach Therapieende durchgeführt. Vor der Therapie litten alle Patienten komorbid zur PTSD an einer affektiven Störung (82 % Major Depression, 18 % Dysthymia).
Die PTSD-Häufigkeit nahm in der Gesamtstichprobe über die Zeit hinweg signifikant ab. Für die beiden Therapiebedingungen war dies jedoch einzeln betrachtet jeweils nicht der Fall. Bezüglich des PTSD Schweregrades trat eine signifikante Reduktion zwischen dem Zeitpunkt der Erstdiagnostik und der 6-Monats-Nachuntersuchung über beide Bedingungen hinweg auf. Bei getrennter Betrachtung der beiden Behandlungsgruppen zeigte sich eine signifikante Reduktion der PTSD-Symptomatik jedoch lediglich für NET, nicht für SIT. Die Symptomreduktion in der NET-Gruppe trat zwischen dem Zeitpunkt der Erstdiagnostik und der 6-Monats-Nachuntersuchung auf, die Effektstärke betrug d = 1,43 (für SIT: d = 0,12). Es bestand hinsichtlich des PTSD-Schweregrades zu keinem Untersuchungszeitpunkt ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den beiden Gruppen. Für die Häufigkeit von Major Depression und anderen komorbiden Störungen ergab sich in keiner der beiden Therapiebedingungen eine signifikante Reduktion. Auch der Depressivitätsschweregrad veränderte sich über die Zeit hinweg nicht signifikant.
Die Befunde zeigen, dass Expositionsverfahren wie die Narrative Expositionstherapie auch bei Flüchtlingen und Asylbewerbern mit größtenteils unsicherem Aufenthaltsstatus zu signifikanten Verbesserungen der PTSD-Symptomatik führen. Vermutlich hat dieser unsichere Status jedoch eine erfolgreiche Behandlung komorbider Erkrankungen erschwert.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
150 Psychologie
Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS), Narrative Expositionstherapie (NET), Stress-Impfungs-Training (SIT), organisierte Gewalt, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET), Stress Inoculation Training (SIT), refugees, organized violence
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690HENSEL-DITTMANN, Dorothea, 2007. Kontrollierte Therapieevaluation der Narrativen Expositionstherapie (NET) im Vergleich zu Stress-Impfungs-Training (SIT) bei posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung in Folge organisierter Gewalt [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Kontrollierte Therapieevaluation der Narrativen Expositionstherapie (NET) im Vergleich zu Stress-Impfungs-Training (SIT) bei posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung in Folge organisierter Gewalt},
  author={Hensel-Dittmann, Dorothea},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The repeated experience of violence has been shown to lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in many cases. Refugees and asylum seekers in Germany have often fled from their countries of origin because of organized violence. They tend to show high rates of PTSD. To date, little research has been done on psychological treatments for this population. More specifically, there is a lack of systematic comparisons of different active treatments.&lt;br /&gt;The current thesis describes a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing two treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a consequence of organized violence. The study was conducted in Germany. The sample mainly consisted of asylum seekers who had fled from their countries of origin after having experienced violence. Most of them had an insecure legal status of residency in Germany. Some subjects were former German Democratic Republic residents who had experienced organized violence. Twenty-eight persons were matched pairwise according to sex and origin and were randomly allocated to one of the two treatments. They received 10 treatment sessions of either  NarrativeExposure Therapy  (NET) or  Stress Inoculation Training  (SIT). Standardized diagnostic interviews were conducted before treatment and 4 weeks, 6 months and one year after the end of treatment. All participants suffered from a comorbid mood disorder before the start of treatment (82 % major depression, 18 % dysthymia).&lt;br /&gt;The whole sample showed a significant reduction in PTSD rate over time at the six-months follow-up examination, but this was not the case when the two treatment groups were analysed separately. PTSD symptom severity decreased significantly across both treatment groups between the pretest and the six-months follow-up examination. However, regarding the two treatment groups separately, a significant reduction in PTSD severity was found for NET, but not for SIT. The symptom reduction in the NET group occurred between pretest and six-months follow-up examination, the effect size being d = 1.43 (for SIT: d = 0.12). There was no significant difference between NET and SIT regarding PTSD severity at any assessment point. The rates of major depression and other comorbid disorders did not decrease significantly over time in either of the two treatment groups. The scores of depressive symptoms also did not show a significant reduction over time.&lt;br /&gt;The results indicate that exposure treatments like Narrative Exposure Therapy lead to a significant PTSD symptom reduction even in refugees and asylum seekers with mainly insecure asylum status. However, this status might have hindered successful treatment of comorbid disorders.</dcterms:abstract>
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URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
March 6, 2008
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